list of candidates authorized to take the psychotechnical test of the special competitive entrance examination for training scholarships, organised as part of the TYSYP, session 2023-2024

announcing the publication of the list of candidates authorized to take the psychotechnical test of the special competitive entrance examination for training scholarships, organised as part of the Three-Year Special Youth Plan (TYSYP), for the selection of 100 young girls and boys, seking to undergo training in the Douala, Limbe and Sangmelima Vocational Training Centres of Excellence (CFPE), for the 2023-2024 training year.

Candidates whose names are listed below in alphabetical order and by Competitive Entrance Examination Centre, are authorised to take the psychotechnical examination of the special competitive entrance examination for training scholarships, organised as part of the Three- Year Special Youth Plan (TYSYP). for the selection of 100 young girls and boys, seeking to undergo training in the Douala, Limbe and Sangmelima Vocational Training Centres of Excellence (CFPE), for the 2023-2024 training year:

Candidates thus authorized are required to be present at their respective examination centres, with their National ldentity Card and their application deposit slip, from l to 12 September 2023 for the interview, inormation and career guidance sessions on the one harnd, and on 13 September 2023 at 7.30 a.m. for the psychotechnical examination on the other hand.