Lists of Recognized Private Colleges in South Africa

Lists of Recognized Private Institutions in South Africa


The Department of Higher Education and Training (the Department) recognises that the information contained in the Register of Private Colleges is of public interest and that the media may wish to publish it. In publishing it or disseminating it the following must be borne in mind.

In terms of the Government Gazette No. 43007 of 7 February 2020 private colleges proposing to offer or offering Occupational Qualifications, such as N4 – N6 Business and Engineering Studies, and Skills Development Programmes, better known as Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) programmes, are exempted from registration with the Department but are obligated to acquire accreditation with the Quality Council for Trades and Ocupations (QCTO) or with the SETAs as delegated by the QCTO in order to operate within the parameters of the law.

Therefore the Register of Private Colleges caters only for the private colleges that offer Engineering Studies NI- part-qualitications and NCIV) programmes.

Recognising that students may have unresolved complaint(s) against any ot these private colleges, such unresolved complaints may be escalated to the Department using the email:


The Register of Private Colleges comprises of three sections. The three sections are A, B and C.

Section A

Shows private colleges whose operations are phasing out until 31 December 2023. Effective 1 January 2024 these private colleges must not enroll students on any of the part-qualifications and or programmes they were registered for. Prospective students must not be lured into enrolling for Engineering Studies NI-N3 part-qualifications and NC(V) programmes at these private institutions in 2024. These private colleges are phasing
out due to failure to maintain their registration as required by the law.

Section b

Lists all privale College whose registration has been canceled due to failure to maintain their regstraton and or nave rquested to be cancelled for reason(s) shared with the Department. Should these private colleges be operating and purporting to be offering Engineening studies NI-N3 and or NC(V) programmes, they are doing so illegally.

Students are advised not to enroll or part with money for any of the part-qualiications and or programmes cited here in as they will not sit for examinatians nor be certificated.

Section C

Shows, among others, names of registered private colleges, qualifications they are registered for, their NQF (National Qualifications) Levels and sites of delivery.

Download the list below