Lists of Recognized Private Higher Education Institutions in South Africa

This register of private higher education institutions (hereafter referred to as the Register) is published in accordance with section 54(2(a)(i) of the Higher Education ACT
1997 (Ad Na 101 9f 1997) (hereafter referred to as the Act). In terms of section 56(1) (a), any member of the public has the right to inspect
he Regster.


The Department of Higher Education and Training (hereafter refered to as the Department) recognizes that the infomation contained in the Register is public interest and that the public may wish to publish it.

In order to avoid misrepresentatton in the public domain, the Department ot Higher Education and Training kindly request that all registered qualifications of each institution.

The register is avallabie for inspection at:


The Register provide the public with information on the registration status of Private Higher Education Institutions (hereafter refered to as he Registrar) enters the name of the institution in the Register, once an Institution is registered.

Section 56(1)(b) grants the public the right to view the auditors report as issuedd to the Registrar in terms of section 57(2)(b) of the Act. Copics of registration certificates must be kept as part of the Register in accordance with Rcgulaton 20.