NIE-IK : Diploma in Special Education Final Examination – 2023 Calling Applications

Diploma in Special Education Final Examination – 2023 Calling Applications. Please submit your application on or before 2023-11-25.

Submitting Applications for Examinations

All examination applications are published on EXAMINATIONS page

  • If you are a registered user, please login to your account using your UserID and Password. If you forgotten your UserID or Password, You can recover them from Info For All Users/User ID and Password Recovery
  • Else, Press the SIGN UP Button on right side of the main menu and Fill-in the Sign Up form accurately and submit. You can find help on this form on Info For All Users/Signup as a User
  • Recheck and update your Personal Details before submitting an application

It is recommend to read examination application guidelines before applying.

Step 1 – Submitting Application

Please complete your profile before submitting examination applications.

Examination applications are published on EXAMINATIONS page

  1. Press the green button named My Application related to required examination.
  2. Check your information are correct.
  3. Select examination centre (if available).
  4. Select your courses including written and non-written courses.
  5. Then tick the auth and Submit the application

Step 2 – Payment of Examination Fee

Please complete this step on or before application closing date.

  1. Obtain account details, amount payable and payment reference number. (Better to print this information)
  2. Do the payment with correct Payment Reference Number to People’s Bank’s Billing Account 066.
  3. People’s Bank will automatically update your payment within 15-20 minutes. If it is done, skip next two items. You do not need to upload your receipt.
  4. Else, Take a screen shot of your online payment receipt or scan your over the counter payment slip with a scanner or a document scanner app. File type must be JPG, GIF, or PNG. Image size should be 400X800 Pixels.
  5. Upload your payment receipt screen shot or over the counter payment slip image and Submit payment information.

Step 3 – Application Confirmation

  1. Now you have completed your examination application.
  2. Take a print and keep your Application Receipt with the reference number.