NAPOLCOM : Guidelines and Procedures for the PNPE Exam and PromEx 2023

NAPOLCOM : Guidelines and Procedures for the PNPE Exam and PromEx 2023


The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), pursuant to its constitutional
mandate to administer and control the Philippine National Police (PNP), will conduct
nationwide the PNP Entrance (PNPE) and Promotional Examinations (PromEx) on
DECEMBER 10, 2023.

The PNPE Exam’ is open to all Flipino citizens who meet the age and educational requirements as provided here in and to Patrolmen/Patrolwomen with temporary status of appointment due to lack of appropriate eligibility.

Examinees who pass the PNPE Exam are conferred the police eligibility required for appointment to the rank of Patrolman/Patrolwoman. Whereas, the PNP PromEx2 is exclusive to all qualified PNP uniformed personnel who meet the minimum qualification standards for the exam in terms of rank and eligibility as provided herein.

Examinees who passed the PromEx are conferred the police eligibilities required for promotion to the ranks corresponding to the
examination’s Eligibility Rank Coverage (ERC).
Provided hereunder are the guidelines and procedures for the PNPE Exam and PromEx